Yaoheng (Mack) Yang won the student poster award

Our student Yaoheng(Mack) Yang won the Student Poster Award in the Oncologic Imaging Research Program Poster Session organized by the Siteman Cancer Center.

Dezhuang (Summer) Ye won the Thach Awards poster finalist

William Thomas (Tom) Thach, MD, was a longstanding member of the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology.  The Tom Thach Award was initiated in 2014 as a way to honor Tom’s contribution to science and to the Neuroscience Retreats.  Grad students and post docs are eligible to compete, and winners are chosen from presentations at the Annual […]

Our collaborative grant was funded by NSF

Our collaborative grant with Prof. Philip Bayly as the PI, Profs. Hong Chen and Joel Garbow as the Co-PI, was funded by NSF. The title of the funded 3-year project is “Characterization of soft fibrous materials by MRI of ultrasound-induced shear waves”.

Dr. Chen presented at the CBD annual retreat

Dr. Chen presented at the Radiation Oncology Cancer Biology Division 2nd annual retreat. Mark W Dewhirst was the invited speaker at the retreat.

Dr. Chen joins the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Chen has become a member of the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) in the Molecular Cell Biology Program. The DBBS is the major organization at Washington University that focuses on interdisciplinary graduate education and associated academic activities in the biological and biomedical sciences.

Dr. Chen gave a keynote speech at ISP retreat

Dr. Chen was invited to give a keynote speech, along with Dr. Lawrence Wald from Harvard Medical School, at the Imaging Science Pathway (ISP) retreat.

Our lab received the DoD instrument grant

Prof. Chen received the DoD Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) award. This award will support our collaboration with Drs. Phil Bayly and Goel Garbow on developing MR-compatible focused ultrasound system.

Leighton accepted Stanford’s offer. Tristan accepted JHU’s offer

After receiving offers of admission from dozens of top universities, Leighton made the final decision to join the Bioengineering Department at Stanford University for his Ph.D. training and Tristan decided to pursue his Master of Science in Engineering in Bioengineering Innovation and Development at Johns Hopkins University. Congratulations to Leighton and Tristan!! We’re so proud […]

Dr. Chen received Clinical-Biology Seed Grant

Dr. Chen received Clinical-Biology Seed Grant from the Department of Radiation Oncology.  The project is in collaboration with Drs. H Michael Gach, Christina Tsien, and Dennis Hallahan. 

Dr. Chen received Children’s Discovery Institute award

Our multi-PI proposal with Dr. Yongjian Liu and Dr. Hong Chen as the PI and Drs. Yuan-chuan Tai and Joshua Robin as co-investigator was funded by the Children’s Discovery Institute for an award of $450,000. This project will focus on developing innovative drug delivery technique for the treatment of pediatric brain cancer.

Dr. Chen presents at the Siteman Cancer Center Special Lecture

Dr. Chen gives a talk for the Siteman Cancer Center Oncologic Imaging Research Program’s Poster Sessions and Special Lecture along with Dr. Stephen Boppart from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Chen’s talk was on “Image-Guided Ultrasound Therapy for Cancer Treatment” and Dr. Boppart’s talk was on “Intraoperative Label-Free Optical Imaging of Breast Tumor […]